Me and my friends are really close. We back each other up, play similar sports, you know the basic best friend thing. Okay I'll give you their nicknames so I can tell everything that has happened without having to say something retarded like "person 1". If you don't like the nicknames, well too bad.
okay, so me Missy, Mouse, Cupcake, and Eric are like the bestest friends in the entire world. We tell each other everything. With the occasional leakage of a secret to the one we all hate....... Drama King. (sure, we pretend to be nice to DK (Drama King in initials) but she's just a gossiping kind of person.
NOTE: everyone mentioned so far is female
One of the many reasons that we hate DK is her ability to spread mean things about us, she admits at first, but then after a while she acts like she'd never heard of it. So DK apparently told some random guy in our grade that Eric liked him. Yeah and apparently she had to avoid him for two years, to make it worse, he was at Eric's sailing camp this summer. Erin and Sam were in the same group and they had to work together. Thanks to that experience, Eric is no longer embarrassed. Plus Drama King gossips all the time, who knows if Sam believed her.
Enough with Drama King.
So last Saturday we were supposed to play tennis together because we're all trying out for tennis. Unfortunately, it rained all day and we weren't able to go. After maybe around 2:00 it stopped raining, and the scorching hot sun dried all the tennis courts up. I immediately called them but none of them could go. So my dad and sis went with me. There are three tennis courts at a public place so it's free, yeah there are better tennis courts that you have to pay for, but they are far far away. maybe a 30 minute drive?? So this tennis court is crammed into a tiny space. If you are playing alone, which I was cuz my Dad and sis are tennis pros, then you have to play against the wall. Apparently the wall is pushed against the net behind the first tennis court, so when I went to play against the wall, the couple playing in the first court, was like you might get your head hit so be careful, with FALSE SINCERITY! well i sat there waiting for that space until it was dark. While then I angrily hit tennis balls to the other side of the net, although no one was there. I accidentally said "Damn Wall" (no offense to the wall)You sit there waiting until dark so you can play on a wall that sucks and a couple that isn't using the wall wont move to another tennis court. Apparently they heard me, so before they left they said :"were done" well that wasnt a bad situation. But 3 weeks before, i had gone to the same place to play tennis. Some group in yellow tshirts, were playing tennis, a different couple was playing tennis, along with 2 men. So the couple left letting us play. So we claimed that court. I told my sis to stand there while I got the rackets. She moved 5 steps and that f***** group just took our spot. literally, 5 STEPS!! Damn! What the hell did they think they were doing?? So I went up to them and said: "excuse me, but we were here first, we just left to get our stuff" she replied coldly: "This is a tennis clinic" I angrily stomped away. I mentally shot a bird at them. Dude!! were just teens give us a chance, since you damn tennis pros(if you are a tennis pro, don't be offended, it's just them)are just there to practice for a tournament. This is for recreation not professional preparation. They looked like they came straight outta Wimbledon with their professional way of dressing and playing. But they're just a bunch of fat jerks who dont give us kids a chance.
Angrily remembering this..........
:) not >:(