Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Language ARts Exam Help

Go to Homework Help for a reading comprehension

scroll down for answers
(the picture above represents good luck. Good Luck tommorow on your exam)

answers for it are

  1. d

  2. d

  3. a

  4. e

  5. b

  6. b

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Due to unwelcome people viewing my blog, this blog will only be available to the three people on my "can view" list. Trust me.. I really dont want this crazy mexican or asian viewing my blog and commenting on random things.... but this will not happen until December 20th due to the excessive amounts of random/ people I have never seen before viewing my blog because they are bored. For safety reasons only!

Thank you! Annie Liu

Dear Diary,

Today was a pretty rough day. In Band, me and Savannah were really dissapointed because our band director always chose the same people to go the same places. Just becuase I have a 93 in his class, he wont let me participate. Well F*** him! What the heck! Sorry for my language, but if you were in this situation you would think the same.... sorry closing up a little early today!

A little easy to be irritated,

Annie Liu (the one that hates the f*** band system)

Okay, so I was playing on my laptop and these webcam effects. What I didn't know was that it was actually recording me!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Anya n' Momo


MORGAN x 100 =

Gerund Phrase, Infinitive Phrase, and Participle phrase

An infinitive phrase consists of an infinitive — the root of the verb preceded by to — and any modifiers or complements associated with it. Infinitive phrases can act as adjectives, adverbs, and nouns.

Her plan to subsidize child care won wide acceptance among urban politicians. [modifies plan, functions as an adjective]
She wanted to raise taxes. [noun-object of the sentence]
To watch Uncle Billy tell this story is an eye-opening experience. [noun-subject of the sentence]
To know her is to love her. [noun, predicate nominative]
Juan went to college to study veterinary medicine. [tells us why he went, so it's an adverb]
Gerunds, verbals that end in -ing and that act as nouns, frequently are associated with modifiers and complements in a gerund phrase. These phrases function as units and can do anything that a noun can do. Notice that other phrases, especially prepositional phrases, are frequently part of the gerund phrase.

Cramming for tests is not a good study strategy. [gerund phrase as subject]
John enjoyed swimming in the lake after dark. [gerund phrase as object]
I'm really not interested in studying biochemistry for the rest of my life. [gerund phrase as object of the preposition in ]
Reviewing the general uses of gerunds and infinitives might not be a bad idea. Click HERE.

Present participles, verbals ending in -ing, and past participles, verbals that end in -ed (for regular verbs) or other forms (for irregular verbs), are combined with complements and modifiers and become part of important phrasal structures. Participial phrases always act as adjectives. When they begin a sentence, they are often set off by a comma (as an introductory modifier); otherwise, participial phrases will be set off by commas if they are parenthetical elements.

The stone steps, having been worn down by generations of students, needed to be replaced. [modifies "steps"]
Working around the clock, the firefighters finally put out the last of the California brush fires. [modifies "firefighters"]
The pond, frozen over since early December, is now safe for ice-skating. [modifies "pond"]

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Social Studies Practice Questions

Chapter 15
What right does the constitution give voters?

What is the largest branch of the state government?

Who is the chief executive officer of the state?

How long can governors serve?

What do the governor’s executive powers include?

What do governor’s judicial powers include?

What do the governor’s legislative powers include?

What are the formal powers of the governor?

Who is the lieutenant governor and how is he elected?

Is the governor elected?

Is the lieutenant governor elected?

What other positions are selected by popular vote?

What are statutory officials?

In 1777, a one house legislature called the __________ was formed

In 1789, the one house legislature became bicameral with two parts, the ______________ and ____________

What are the powers of presiding officer?

Which house can propose a bill concerning how the state spends money?

When does the General Assembly convene each year and how long are the regular sessions?

What happens when the governor takes no action on a bill passed by both houses?
Who makes up the conference committee?

What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?

What is the highest ranking court in Georgia?

How many Supreme Court justices are elected by popular vote?

What is the second highest ranking court?

What is the difference between appellate and original jurisdiction?

Which type of court handles cases involving persons under the age of 17?

Who decides whether to indict a person accused of a crime?

When was GA’s first constitution adopted?

When was the most was recent constitution adopted?

What is the source of most state funds?

What is the majority of state funds spent on?

What are the four steps for when the juvenile is taken into custody?


This is defintely no time to party! I have one allstate audition, one violin rehersal, one violin performance. It all starts at two and ends at nine. Seven Hours!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Traitor Amongst Us

There is this one girl who absoulutely hates me, she feels like she is more superior than me. So today at lunch, she knew I wasn't going on that band field trip so she purposely told one of my friends that she was going and then she told her that I wasnt going. She has told EVERYONE. Some people (bitch is too strong of a word) have no respect for others. When I told my mom about this she said. (not an exact quote) "In your future workplace, there will be people who you will hate." So this traitor has also been spreading rumors about me. That little creep. (like I said, bitch is too strong of a word for a so called angel like her)Ok then, sorry to dampen the mood. Hey guess what! This page has been viewed six times in Canada, 1 time in Ukraine, and 1 time in china. 6% of the time, the viewers were using ipads. (Anna) 12% of the time, users were using mozilla firefox.(morgan) hahahahahahahahaha this page is cool it gives you stats about your own page. I highly recommend a blogspot blog. btw, one last thing, LET THE NERD WARS BEGIN!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Art Field Trip Day

Today wasnt that bad......... Lunch was super boring cuz Morgan wasnt here, but Language Arts was better, because the only negative energy in there went on the art field trip with Morgan. Science kind of sucked, i had no one to talk to. Math was okay, the test was confusing because i got mixed up. I have a feeling I did TERRIBLE
Ok... Why is the title of this post "Art Field Trip Day" ? It is because a bunch of kids who have art went to the Morris Museum of --- I dunno but it sounds really boring..... Hey anything is better than doing the math and language arts test!
Gonna close up a lil early today!