Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday After Thanksgiving Break

Urgh! School was ok I guess. Language Arts was super boring, science was kind of stupid, lunch was fun as usual, social studies and math were soooooo boring. I was yawning every five seconds. In Social Studies we went over this powerpoint and it said that House of Representatives Members must be atleast twenty-eight years of age, and senators must be atleast twenty-one years of age. So Mitchell said: "Mr. Lemay is so old, he can be two house members." Apparently Mr. Lemay didn't hear, so Evan (being the suckup he is) said: "Did you hear what Mitchell said?" And Mr. Lemay was like no. Evan repeated and everyone was laughing. It was hilarious. Urgh! I really hate it when people only ask you your grade because they did better. Yeah, I know sometimes I do that, sometimes I do that for inquisitive purposes. Hahahahahahaha:) Science wasnt so bad, if we didnt have to watch that video. Morgan made it alot better, I atleast have someone to talk to. Because in Language Arts, Molly and Azelina talk to each other, Erin and Vinathi talk to each other, and I am left out. I dont mind because I often have a really good book to read. Sometimes Molly gets on my nerves, its mostly because whatever I say she is super sarcastic about it. Geez, she is like my best chinese buddy ever, but still! show some support. hahahahahaha:) by the way, the Percy Jackson and the Olympions series are good! I strongly recommend them. I still like Harry Potter better!


  1. yah now all those ppl can see this blog :)... I thought you said you didnt like percy jackson??? anyways, i agree with ur statement"Percy Jackson and the Olympions series are good! I strongly recommend them. I still like Harry Potter better" oh gosh my grammar is bad.... mrs. saul wouldnt be happy

  2. hahahahhahahaha, mrs. saul wouldnt care

  3. yeah i decided to post everyday, this is like a journal, i dont keep back any feelings, the truth is all here
