Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Language ARts Exam Help

Go to Homework Help for a reading comprehension

scroll down for answers
(the picture above represents good luck. Good Luck tommorow on your exam)

answers for it are

  1. d

  2. d

  3. a

  4. e

  5. b

  6. b

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Due to unwelcome people viewing my blog, this blog will only be available to the three people on my "can view" list. Trust me.. I really dont want this crazy mexican or asian viewing my blog and commenting on random things.... but this will not happen until December 20th due to the excessive amounts of random/ people I have never seen before viewing my blog because they are bored. For safety reasons only!

Thank you! Annie Liu

Dear Diary,

Today was a pretty rough day. In Band, me and Savannah were really dissapointed because our band director always chose the same people to go the same places. Just becuase I have a 93 in his class, he wont let me participate. Well F*** him! What the heck! Sorry for my language, but if you were in this situation you would think the same.... sorry closing up a little early today!

A little easy to be irritated,

Annie Liu (the one that hates the f*** band system)

Okay, so I was playing on my laptop and these webcam effects. What I didn't know was that it was actually recording me!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Anya n' Momo


MORGAN x 100 =

Gerund Phrase, Infinitive Phrase, and Participle phrase

An infinitive phrase consists of an infinitive — the root of the verb preceded by to — and any modifiers or complements associated with it. Infinitive phrases can act as adjectives, adverbs, and nouns.

Her plan to subsidize child care won wide acceptance among urban politicians. [modifies plan, functions as an adjective]
She wanted to raise taxes. [noun-object of the sentence]
To watch Uncle Billy tell this story is an eye-opening experience. [noun-subject of the sentence]
To know her is to love her. [noun, predicate nominative]
Juan went to college to study veterinary medicine. [tells us why he went, so it's an adverb]
Gerunds, verbals that end in -ing and that act as nouns, frequently are associated with modifiers and complements in a gerund phrase. These phrases function as units and can do anything that a noun can do. Notice that other phrases, especially prepositional phrases, are frequently part of the gerund phrase.

Cramming for tests is not a good study strategy. [gerund phrase as subject]
John enjoyed swimming in the lake after dark. [gerund phrase as object]
I'm really not interested in studying biochemistry for the rest of my life. [gerund phrase as object of the preposition in ]
Reviewing the general uses of gerunds and infinitives might not be a bad idea. Click HERE.

Present participles, verbals ending in -ing, and past participles, verbals that end in -ed (for regular verbs) or other forms (for irregular verbs), are combined with complements and modifiers and become part of important phrasal structures. Participial phrases always act as adjectives. When they begin a sentence, they are often set off by a comma (as an introductory modifier); otherwise, participial phrases will be set off by commas if they are parenthetical elements.

The stone steps, having been worn down by generations of students, needed to be replaced. [modifies "steps"]
Working around the clock, the firefighters finally put out the last of the California brush fires. [modifies "firefighters"]
The pond, frozen over since early December, is now safe for ice-skating. [modifies "pond"]

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Social Studies Practice Questions

Chapter 15
What right does the constitution give voters?

What is the largest branch of the state government?

Who is the chief executive officer of the state?

How long can governors serve?

What do the governor’s executive powers include?

What do governor’s judicial powers include?

What do the governor’s legislative powers include?

What are the formal powers of the governor?

Who is the lieutenant governor and how is he elected?

Is the governor elected?

Is the lieutenant governor elected?

What other positions are selected by popular vote?

What are statutory officials?

In 1777, a one house legislature called the __________ was formed

In 1789, the one house legislature became bicameral with two parts, the ______________ and ____________

What are the powers of presiding officer?

Which house can propose a bill concerning how the state spends money?

When does the General Assembly convene each year and how long are the regular sessions?

What happens when the governor takes no action on a bill passed by both houses?
Who makes up the conference committee?

What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?

What is the highest ranking court in Georgia?

How many Supreme Court justices are elected by popular vote?

What is the second highest ranking court?

What is the difference between appellate and original jurisdiction?

Which type of court handles cases involving persons under the age of 17?

Who decides whether to indict a person accused of a crime?

When was GA’s first constitution adopted?

When was the most was recent constitution adopted?

What is the source of most state funds?

What is the majority of state funds spent on?

What are the four steps for when the juvenile is taken into custody?


This is defintely no time to party! I have one allstate audition, one violin rehersal, one violin performance. It all starts at two and ends at nine. Seven Hours!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Traitor Amongst Us

There is this one girl who absoulutely hates me, she feels like she is more superior than me. So today at lunch, she knew I wasn't going on that band field trip so she purposely told one of my friends that she was going and then she told her that I wasnt going. She has told EVERYONE. Some people (bitch is too strong of a word) have no respect for others. When I told my mom about this she said. (not an exact quote) "In your future workplace, there will be people who you will hate." So this traitor has also been spreading rumors about me. That little creep. (like I said, bitch is too strong of a word for a so called angel like her)Ok then, sorry to dampen the mood. Hey guess what! This page has been viewed six times in Canada, 1 time in Ukraine, and 1 time in china. 6% of the time, the viewers were using ipads. (Anna) 12% of the time, users were using mozilla firefox.(morgan) hahahahahahahahaha this page is cool it gives you stats about your own page. I highly recommend a blogspot blog. btw, one last thing, LET THE NERD WARS BEGIN!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Art Field Trip Day

Today wasnt that bad......... Lunch was super boring cuz Morgan wasnt here, but Language Arts was better, because the only negative energy in there went on the art field trip with Morgan. Science kind of sucked, i had no one to talk to. Math was okay, the test was confusing because i got mixed up. I have a feeling I did TERRIBLE
Ok... Why is the title of this post "Art Field Trip Day" ? It is because a bunch of kids who have art went to the Morris Museum of --- I dunno but it sounds really boring..... Hey anything is better than doing the math and language arts test!
Gonna close up a lil early today!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Manga of Romeo and Juliet

Click here to read the Manga of Romeo and Juliet

Tuesday After Thanksgiving Break

Urgh! School was ok I guess. Language Arts was super boring, science was kind of stupid, lunch was fun as usual, social studies and math were soooooo boring. I was yawning every five seconds. In Social Studies we went over this powerpoint and it said that House of Representatives Members must be atleast twenty-eight years of age, and senators must be atleast twenty-one years of age. So Mitchell said: "Mr. Lemay is so old, he can be two house members." Apparently Mr. Lemay didn't hear, so Evan (being the suckup he is) said: "Did you hear what Mitchell said?" And Mr. Lemay was like no. Evan repeated and everyone was laughing. It was hilarious. Urgh! I really hate it when people only ask you your grade because they did better. Yeah, I know sometimes I do that, sometimes I do that for inquisitive purposes. Hahahahahahaha:) Science wasnt so bad, if we didnt have to watch that video. Morgan made it alot better, I atleast have someone to talk to. Because in Language Arts, Molly and Azelina talk to each other, Erin and Vinathi talk to each other, and I am left out. I dont mind because I often have a really good book to read. Sometimes Molly gets on my nerves, its mostly because whatever I say she is super sarcastic about it. Geez, she is like my best chinese buddy ever, but still! show some support. hahahahahaha:) by the way, the Percy Jackson and the Olympions series are good! I strongly recommend them. I still like Harry Potter better!

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Question of Flight

When I was young, I often dreamed about impressing my classmates with my superior flying skills. Of course, I had none. I watched the birds zoom past mindlessly and an occasional leaf that caught the current and was flying to its next destination. Whereas I was stuck on the ground, traveling by ground vehicles, admiring airplanes in the sky. Flight would make me travel much easier. I would be quite popular with scientists.


I guess today was a normal day. I feel really bad cuz i was mean to viv today. Let me apologize to you now if you are reading this.

"Viv, you have been my best friend since sixth grade and I apologize for all my wrongdoings (yes i know that word is old but useful)I am very sorry i was mean to you in art club because i am feeling super duper guilty. Please accept this apology"

Annie (and from Molly too)

Sorry, a guilty conscience can make you do things! ok so today was fun but terrible. Language Arts was fun but there were some boring parts. Mr. Lemay only made it worse, when during social studies all he did was lecture us about a warning on a cigarette. Then I got this ADORABLE keychain from viv which is this cute lil bear that has 1 <3 NY on its stomach and a statue of liberty crown. Molly, Azelina, Erin, and Rachel got one. I saw Jane look jealously. hahahahahahaha:) but i also feel sorry for her because she has no friends. I have an urge to be friends with her, but if i make the simple gesture of talking to her, she will assume i am her friend. Sure I dont hate her, but I really dont want her getting as far as coming to our houses, which is NOT gonna happpen.

Hahahaha:) Today was the first day in this school year that Morgan DID NOT BRING CHIPS! poor morgan:( just like the third day she broke her quesidilla lunch. URGH! how do you spell quesedilla....... quesadilla...... quesedilla.... quesadille

i dunno...

ok then signing off for today!


Sunday, November 28, 2010

LOL, no Angry at that mean asian( AATMA) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha

I am soooooo mad! One of my friends spread that i got ---- to another friend. so these friends are CHINESE. in yo face buthead! so the word spreads really fast. so on MONDAY NOVEMBER 29 , i will refuse to talk to that chinese girl..

hahahahhahaha morgan, u know what i am talking about!

it sounds mean, but she has no clue what the hell's shes done!

Btw, shes not taiwaneese, her grandparents came from china!

guess what i figured out!

scroll down

i figured out what lmao means! it means laughing my ass off or lick me all over. whatever!

hahahahahha school is tommorow so just gonna close up for today.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Nationwide Shopping Spree

I was probably born with some form of technology in my hand. I have always admired cellular phones, laptops, and various types of electronics. Those who invented them piqued my curiosity. How can an iPod so small work? I took apart a desktop computer to figure out. All I saw was huge pieces of green material with weird gold points all over them. Just looking at it excited me.
This is why I begged my dad to take me “Black Friday” shopping with him. He told me that I would easily get lost due to the massive amounts of chaos. So that night, my sister and I secretly set our alarm clocks to 3:30 AM. That night I couldn’t sleep due to massive doses of anxiety. When I finally fell asleep, I was awoken by Maria’s lights. They were flipped on. So I reached over to look at the time. 3:30. So lazily, I turned off my alarm clock so I could have more rest. At 5:00 AM, I desperately needed to use the restroom. So when I came out, I heard my dad’s alarm going off. So I rushed to get dressed and I went to Maria’s room to wake her up.
When we went downstairs, my dad wasn’t so pleased. He angrily yelled at us. I sadly walked to the couch and sat down. After sitting there for a while, I walked upstairs. There was my dad, standing by the door. He reluctantly said, “Fine, let’s go”, my first reaction was to call Maria. This was going to be fun!
So when we finally decided to go to Best Buy after some indecision. When we got there, I was like “damn!” there were so many people waiting. Apparently, Best Buy was only letting a certain number of people go in at a time. With a second’s change of plans, we drove to Hhgregg. Everything there was on sale. An eight GB mp3 player was $14.99. A DVD player was $9.99. These are simply ridiculous prices, so I guess that’s why there were a whole lot of people for four hardworking cashiers.
Another change of plans! Staples didn’t seem to have a lot of people so we decided to go. Staples was crowded. Everything there was EXPENSIVE. Well, half the things there were half-priced, but, damn! There were 6 cashiers for SO MANY people, but after 6:30 most people were gone. Daddy bought eight computer mousses’ for each person in his lab using our own money!
The next stop on the Black Friday shopping train was at Office Depot. Yes Office Depot was crowed, but not as bad. My dad spent a while looking for the perfect laptop for my mom, while Maria and I was looking around the store. He found two perfect laptops. The one you are reading from now and another similar one. Office Depot isn’t the biggest store out there, so there are four cash registers. Here’s the catch, all computer buyers have to stand in a special line, A line where fifty people were standing with one cashier in control. Each person approximately took five minutes per laptop they bought. So yeah, I guess that’s where the worst part began. We waited for one hour in line. The lady in front of us complained to the manager, and he said he couldn’t do anything about that and if she wanted these low prices, she would have to sacrifice. What the hell?
So when we finally left with two brand new laptops, including the one I am typing on now. I was quite surprised when Mama found these laptops too big for her petite likings. So she gave it to me. I was both happy and excited. I never thought this would be mine! Thank you fate, for giving me this laptop!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jane still SUPER annoying, and yes im mad cuz i did NOTHING and got ISS.(Vinathi, dont even bother to comment, u got lucky.) So she follows us around! urgh!
plus, Molly likes Carrot..... hahahahaha jk Molls

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Road Safety in China

Road Safety in China at a glance
•Motor vehicle registrations have increased by more than 15 percent per year since the 1980s.
•By the end of 2007, there were nearly 57 million registered automobiles in China.
•During 2002-2008, over 660,000 people were killed and over 3 million injured in road crashes, according to official statistics.
•Annual economic losses from road crashes are estimated between 1 and 3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) - much higher than the national budget for public health services.
•Road injury patients represent more than 25 to 30 per cent of hospital bed occupancy.
•In 2007, approximatey 81,000 people were killed and 380,000 more injured on China's roads.
top of the page

By the end of 2005, China had a total road network of over 1.9 million kilometers. China’s roads are divided into a series of road classes, with expressways and Class I roads having the highest quality. Expressways, Class I and II highways account for 16.9% of the total road network and roads below Class III make up 83.1% of the network.

•Expressway: over 41,000 km
•Class I highway: over 38,000 km
•Class II highway: over 246,000 km
•Class III highway: over 344,000 km
•Class IV highway: over 920,000 km
•unclassified roads: over 338,000 km
The Chinese government is investing heavily in infrastructure development. In 2004 alone, USD 56 billion was invested in road construction. Despite this massive effort, the quality of many of the country’s roads is sub-standard.

80% of traffic crashes in China take place on Class II, III, IV, and unclassified roads (Class III, IV and unclassified roads are the rural roads, on which 40% of crash take place).

The Government’s policy for the road sector, as reflected in the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006–2010), calls for (i) the construction of 38,000 km of new roads to expand the total road network to 2.3 million km, of which 25,000 km will be expressways, bringing the total length of expressways to 65,000 km; and (ii) the completion of the National Trunk Highway System (NTHS).

Road Safety Situation
Rapid development and increasing vehicular growth in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have resulted in a substantial increase in road crashes and road crash related injuries and fatalities. Motor vehicle registrations in China have increased by more than 15% per annum since the mid 1980s. By the end of 2005, there were more than 43 million registered vehicles in China, over 12 million of which are passage cars.

During 2000–2005, more than 600,000 people were killed and around 3 million injured in road crashes, equivalent to 1 fatality every 5 minutes. It is estimated that road crashes in the PRC have impacted on the lives of more than 20 million people, either as victims of crashes or as family members of those involved in the crashes. Annual economic losses from road crashes are estimated to be the equivalent of between 1 and 3% of PRC’s gross domestic product (GDP) - higher than the national budget for public health services, and the national budget for rural compulsory education. Road injury patients represent more than 25% - 30% of hospital bed occupancy.

According to official statistics, there were 450,254 road traffic crashes in 2005 resulting in 98,738 fatalities and 469,911 injuries. The main characteristics of China’s road safety situation include inappropriate road design and construction, inadequate traffic management, lack of robust enforcement of traffic laws, poor road safety behavior of road users, low standards of driving (including inappropriate speed, overloading, inappropriate turning), and an undeveloped emergency response system.

Although according to the official statistics the number of fatalities declined from 2004 - 2006, road safety remains a critical issue in the country. Without enough attention from the central government and major new initiatives, these factors the rapid pace of motorization and new highway construction are likely to lead to a worsening of the situation.

China’s first Road Traffic Safety Law was adopted by the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, and took effect on 1 May 2004. There were previously no legislative provisions governing the management of road safety in China and road safety was managed on a governmental level according to administrative regulations between Ministries. The new law provides the basis for a legal foundation on road safety management in China.

Road Safety Coordination and Stakeholders
On 5 September 2003, the State Council (the chief administrative authority in the PRC) sponsored the first joint ministerial conference in China to discuss improving road safety. 17 ministries were represented at the ministerial conference. Among the 17 ministries, the following five are considered as key road safety related agencies:

•Ministry of Public Security (MPS) – traffic management
•Ministry of Communications,(MOC) – highway (between the cities and provinces) design and construction
•Ministry of Construction (MOCn), - city road design and construction
•Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) – agriculture vehicles
•National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) - automobile manufacturers and products
An important result of the September meeting was the establishment of the Forum on 22 October 2003. The Forum is a coordinating body for road safety led by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS). The responsibilities of the Forum include: improve the road traffic safety condition nationwide, analyze and monitor the road safety situation, develop policy and mid and long term strategic plans for improving and monitoring road safety, analyze and implement measures to improve road safety nationwide, guide and supervise all provincial governments and relevant departments in terms of their road safety efforts, coordinate road safety among government departments and ministries, improve inter-departmental cooperation, share information, establish a long term efficient mechanism for managing road safety, prevent and reduce road crashes and road crash injuries.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fluid vs. Liquid

yeah i know this is kind of geeky of me to post stuff to do with my homework, but it helps.

ongman dictionary defines liquid (NOUN or adj) as:

[uncountable and countable] a substance that is not a solid or a gas, for example water or milk:
Add a little more liquid to the sauce.

Fluid (NOUN or adj):

[uncountable and countable] technical
a liquid :
He is not allowed solid food yet, only fluids.
a powerful cleaning fluid.

So the question is how would you explain the difference? Is it merely an issue of technical term versus normal usage term? I need more lucid explanation for the two words. A student asked me the difference between them but I could not really discern the difference.

THIS WAS COPIED FROM: http://www.englishforums.com/English/LiquidVsFluid/dwnrb/post.htm

ALL CREDIT GOES TO http://www.englishforums.com/English/LiquidVsFluid/dwnrb/post.htm

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chemical vs. Physical

Chemical Properties are properties that are observed when matter is rearranged.

The chemical properties of matter are:

- flammability
- ability to react (reactivity)

Physical Properties
are properties that can be observed without changing the object/substance. (ex. this orange has a very bumpy texture)

The physical properties of matter are:
- physical state
- texture
- color

Chemical Change is a change in matter that produces one or more new substances.


- Combustion: rapid combination of a fuel with oxygen; produces heat, light, and new substances.
- Electrolysis: use of electricity to break a compound into elements or simpler compounds.
- Oxidation: slow combination of a substance with oxygen
- Tarnishing: slow combination of a bright metal with sulfur or another substance producing a dark coating on the metal.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

prevent poverty.....help those who are not as lucky

i saw something very sad today a couple with 3 very young children werestanding by the street holding a smaall cardboard sign saying please help me....... i am so angry at myself , im mad at my self because i was thinking about my friend who wants to be chaperoned for the movies, when others out there are suffering. im soooooooooooooooooo grateful for everything i have. if she doesnt wqnt to be independent that is her problem, but there is a greater issue out there.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hmmm Crap

What the crap?
So recently, some random person started bothering me...... on MY own Blog!!!
So whoever you are get the hell off my site!

The only viewers of this site should be: Emma, Momo, Anna, Breana, Molly, Vinathi, Erin, or Rachel!(or anyone with good intentions)

Any other person that wishes to view this site, secretly or publicly, please have good intentions, please do not discuss this info anywhere other than this site, any gossip I hear, will result in me cussing out that person....... jk maybe beating the shit out of that person will be ok. capessh?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Today's topic: Red Pony Essays *scream*

Crap. We gotta read this book called "The Red Pony". Its about this boy who loses a pony and gets a new one.Doesn't that sound fun? So as a test grade, we have to write two essays in MLA format. So I have been trying to read this book, but I've been like falling asleep halfway through, not literally but u know how boring books are. wait! i got 1 week full of tests and homework to complete this. *faints* *gets up for 1 second and says "life sucks"* hahaha just kidding. i don't mind cuz i have like the best teacher in da world. lets just says she's not only nice, but fair in grading and giving chances. I'm soo glad i have her as my teacher! That makes me a lot more motivated *laughs*

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 memory

In my garden, I will plant some of Daddy's things

The hat he wears for his favorite baseball team.
His special notes he wrote to me.
His favorite songs he likes to sing.
His special collect cars he bought last spring.

His favorite tie that has grease stains.
His favorite fishing pole, even though he has never caught anything.

And I'm going to plant some of my tears, these come from me.
Every night before I go to sleep, I will go out to my special garden
and pray over Daddy's things.

- A girl who lost her beloved dad.....

i cried while reading this poem.............


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Today's events

Okay so me and my buddies all have around the same schedule, so we have math together with this teacher from hell. I ain't wastin any more space on him.

Lucky or Unlucky so last year, my friend, Momo got a yearbook, since i have alot of classes with her, i decided to sign it 11 times, on one time i wrote "Anna is my Jollay old Grandma and she bakes cookies 4 me" I swear i dont remember writing this so Momo was supposed to bring her yearbook to show me, 4 weeks passed, she finally remebered to bring her yearbook, but she missed the bus! I'm telling you dis is one unlucky yearbook.

So see ya l8ter

Time to Introduce

Okey Dokey......I am now ready to tell Molly, Erin, and Rachel about this site!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


ok maybe I was wrong about Jane, she is nice but just a little bit annoying. It still doesnt cut it she aint gonna be in our group!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where is the next step in life?


So recently this girl named "Jane" keeps following us. She has been trying to do whatever our group does. Its sooooooo frickin annoying! "Jane" is a mean person, she's a control freak, has no other friends, and rude. Well today she scratched me really hard with her binder, and looking at me with pain she just looks away. All of my friends don't like her. when will she go away??

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ah another day of middle school distress

dude my teachers all suck except for my LA teacher. Yeah i'm in 8th grade, and so far more homework, mean teachers, and stress!!!!

if you ever read this message please respond.

did you like 8th grade?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I just finished reading the 3rd book of the Maximum Ride Series. Scroll down if you want to see the climax of the 3rd book.

keep scrolling

Max and Fang split into 2 groups. Fang is the leader of the guys, and Max is the leader of the girls. While then, Max and the girls get trapped in Itex, the place responsible for the soon to be accomplished "by-half plan" Itex is going to kill the flock because only perfect, useful, and healthy people can stay.
if it werent for fang's blog, the flock would have been dead and the world empty.

2 key points: Dr. Martinez is Max's mom and Jeb is Max's dad. Ari is her half brother that died in her arms.

The book is good, if you havent read them try the Angel Experimet. (Book 1)

My friends and Middle School Drama

Me and my friends are really close. We back each other up, play similar sports, you know the basic best friend thing. Okay I'll give you their nicknames so I can tell everything that has happened without having to say something retarded like "person 1". If you don't like the nicknames, well too bad.

okay, so me Missy, Mouse, Cupcake, and Eric are like the bestest friends in the entire world. We tell each other everything. With the occasional leakage of a secret to the one we all hate....... Drama King. (sure, we pretend to be nice to DK (Drama King in initials) but she's just a gossiping kind of person.

NOTE: everyone mentioned so far is female

One of the many reasons that we hate DK is her ability to spread mean things about us, she admits at first, but then after a while she acts like she'd never heard of it. So DK apparently told some random guy in our grade that Eric liked him. Yeah and apparently she had to avoid him for two years, to make it worse, he was at Eric's sailing camp this summer. Erin and Sam were in the same group and they had to work together. Thanks to that experience, Eric is no longer embarrassed. Plus Drama King gossips all the time, who knows if Sam believed her.

Enough with Drama King.

So last Saturday we were supposed to play tennis together because we're all trying out for tennis. Unfortunately, it rained all day and we weren't able to go. After maybe around 2:00 it stopped raining, and the scorching hot sun dried all the tennis courts up. I immediately called them but none of them could go. So my dad and sis went with me. There are three tennis courts at a public place so it's free, yeah there are better tennis courts that you have to pay for, but they are far far away. maybe a 30 minute drive?? So this tennis court is crammed into a tiny space. If you are playing alone, which I was cuz my Dad and sis are tennis pros, then you have to play against the wall. Apparently the wall is pushed against the net behind the first tennis court, so when I went to play against the wall, the couple playing in the first court, was like you might get your head hit so be careful, with FALSE SINCERITY! well i sat there waiting for that space until it was dark. While then I angrily hit tennis balls to the other side of the net, although no one was there. I accidentally said "Damn Wall" (no offense to the wall)You sit there waiting until dark so you can play on a wall that sucks and a couple that isn't using the wall wont move to another tennis court. Apparently they heard me, so before they left they said :"were done" well that wasnt a bad situation. But 3 weeks before, i had gone to the same place to play tennis. Some group in yellow tshirts, were playing tennis, a different couple was playing tennis, along with 2 men. So the couple left letting us play. So we claimed that court. I told my sis to stand there while I got the rackets. She moved 5 steps and that f***** group just took our spot. literally, 5 STEPS!! Damn! What the hell did they think they were doing?? So I went up to them and said: "excuse me, but we were here first, we just left to get our stuff" she replied coldly: "This is a tennis clinic" I angrily stomped away. I mentally shot a bird at them. Dude!! were just teens give us a chance, since you damn tennis pros(if you are a tennis pro, don't be offended, it's just them)are just there to practice for a tournament. This is for recreation not professional preparation. They looked like they came straight outta Wimbledon with their professional way of dressing and playing. But they're just a bunch of fat jerks who dont give us kids a chance.

Angrily remembering this..........

:) not >:(

I feel kinda awkward, but hey probably no one's gonna read this

So I guess I'm here to find out if anyone will ever bother to look on this particular site.